09 October 2021 – Faith vs Feelings – Part 2

James 1:20 Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires.

Outburst of human anger destroys the desires of God. If feelings are in control of our thoughts and tongue, they will demolish the purpose of God in our lives. Anger is a by-product of wounded feelings, repeated frustration, irritations, disappointments, mistreatment or betrayal. Anger argues, defends and justifies it’s uprightness but human anger is never a legitimate tool to promote God’s righteous purpose (TPT).

Moses was a very short-tempered man. He killed an Egyptian who was oppressing a Hebrew slave and secretly buried him. Moses, the son of a Hebrew slave, grew up as the prince of Egypt, as Pharaoh’s daughter had adopted him. Although the aggravation was for a righteous cause, his actions worked against the purpose of God. Hence the Lord God drove him into the wilderness to go through “an anger management course” for 40 years before he sent him back as ‘the deliverer’ to Egypt. The quest of the exodus from Egypt was formidable and fearful. During the tug of war between Moses and the Pharaoh, Moses remained patient and perseverant. The difference between human anger and holy wrath is that, human anger destroys God’s purpose but Holy anger accomplishes His will.  Wild unbridled feelings, fury and frenzy will obliterate faith. 

Faith vs Feelings:

  1. Froth: When you fizzle, frizzle and froth with irritation, walk away from the conversation to calm down. Take time to analyze the reason for the resentment. Holy anger will separate the people from their actions. Feelings say “I hate you” but faith would say “I hate your actions”. Feelings will hate the person for their actions but faith will detest the wrong actions and endeavour to redeem the person. Anger will retaliate and hurt the person rather than correct the actions. God had placed Moses in the palace to initiate a conversation for an amicable solution for the Hebrew slavery; however, his anger delayed the plan of God. Frothing leads to fighting.
  1. Fury: Intense fury and frenzy raises the heart rate, blood pressure and the levels of adrenaline. Anger is an emotional eruption from a feeling that someone has deliberately wronged us. Such human anger will both hurt us and the people around us with piercing, breaking and stabbing words or actions. Pour water on the burning furnace of your heart before it translates into words. Take a deep breath. Be the first one to stop the exchange of angry words or to say sorry. Step outside your feelings and put yourself in the shoes of the other person to understand their point of view. Fury destroys relationships.
  1. Foil: Anger is a learnt habit that can be unlearnt. Moses started his life as a hotheaded man but finished as the meekest man in the world. Use the tools of the name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus and the Word of God to overcome uncontrollable anger. Righteous anger is a God given feeling to keep us away from sin, injustice and unrighteousness. It was never meant to be used as a self-defense mechanism. Meekness is the spiritual muscle that makes us stronger than a muscled soldier. Foil frustration and destroy animosity.     

Anger must move us towards holiness and not drive us away from the righteous will of God.

James 1:19 Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, I need your help to be meek. Help me to be quick to listen and slow to thud my opinions, views or antagonism.  Amen. 

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