07 August 2023 – Praise Powerbank – Part 2

Psalm 126:5 Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy.

Praise God for the divine delays. Praise God through your tears, waiting and weeping. Our tears become streams of hope, and water, the seed of faith as we praise God through the delays. Divine delays are God-controlled. Divine delays are not obstacles to the blessing, but catalysts to long lasting inheritance. God’s 1st covenant with Abraham was when he was 75 years old. He promised a son to him and his barren wife but Abraham and Sarah had to wait for 25 long years before they held the bundle of joy in their hands. God was not cruel by making them wait and weep for their promised child. God was preparing them through the divine delay.

Abraham is called the ‘Father of Faith’ not just because he waited for 25 years. He didn’t have a choice; he had to wait. He became the ‘Father of Faith’ because at the age of over 115 years, he was obedient to God’s command to go and sacrifice his only son Isaac because he was sure that God could raise people to life (Hebrews 11:19a). Abraham received the promise at 75 years but was lured to his wife’s nagging at 85 years and had Ishmael through the slave girl Hagar. However, after the pruning and churning of 25 years of waiting, he was able to discern the voice of God and remain steadfast in his faith.

When the Lord God commanded him to sacrifice his son at the age of about 115 years Abraham consulted no one; neither his wife nor his closest consultant Eleazar. If Isaac was born soon after the promise was given, Abraham would not have learnt the lesson of ‘implicit obedience’ to God’s voice. The divine delay of 25 years molded and matured Abraham’s faith to be obedient to the voice of God over the worldly advice. This does not mean that we should not consult with our spouse or heed to the advice of our counselors but it only teaches us that God’s Word, God’s command and God’s voice should be above the recommendations of people. Divine delays mature our faith.

Praise the Lord for and through the divine delays:

1.     Waiting: Recharge your hope and reinvigorate your faith while you are waiting. We are not waiting on God to fulfill His promise; God is waiting on us to become the honorable vessels to accomplish His purpose.     

2.     Weeping: Weeping and tears water our faith. Draw strength from the powerbank of praise while tears stream down your cheeks. Abraham would have been weeping while he climbed the mountain to sacrifice his son, but God turned his weeping into dancing. Praise through your tears.                                        

3.     Working: God is working during the divine delays. Praise turns the deceptive lies of the devil that God has forgotten about you, into fragrance of faith.    

Pull out the powerbank of praise while you are waiting. When we are weeping, God is working, so keep praising. God is faithful.

Psalm 126:6 Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, give me the serenity to trust you through the delays, and mature my thinking, speaking and professing.  Amen.

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