13 December 2023 – Thief – Part 4

Daniel 1:3-4 Then the king ordered Ashpenaz, chief of his court officials, to bring into the king’s service some of the Israelites from the royal family and the nobility— young men without any physical defect, handsome, showing aptitude for every kind of learning, well informed, quick to understand, and qualified to serve in the king’s palace.

Demonic abductors are lurking to kidnap our children and stalking to lure our bright, brilliant and talented teenagers and young adults into sin. The spying eyes of the diabolical ghetto are on the younger generation. They prowl to pilferage and then ultimately abduct our pedigree. Beware of the demonic abductors!

King Nebuchadnezzar picked the young men from royal descent who were smart, well-built, handsome and intelligent and carried them away to Babylon. Babylon was the modern day Las Vegas. Las Vegas earned its notorious nickname, “Sin City” in the early 1930s as gangsters and mobsters interlooped the city. Prostitution, profanity and shady businesses cropped up. Male-focused entertainment and soaring crime rates infiltrated and turned Vegas into a Sin City! King Nebuchadnezzar took the young men into Babylon to brainwash them and corrupt their lifestyles. They were exposed to the luxuries of the pagan world and were educated in the Babylonian universities. Opportunities to explore and propel their potential were the bait to corrupt their lifestyle.

The schemes of the demonic abductors are still the same. Substance abuse, gender confusion, wayward lifestyles, deterioration in moral, ethical and social are no more shameful but considered “cool” by the modern generation. The minds of the smart and vibrant are being polluted by rebellion. There is a ginormous demonic army raging against our posterity. It is the responsibility of parents and the older generation to pray and protect the next generation from being abducted by the demonic intruders.

Protect your children and future generation from the demonic abductors:

1.     Potential: King Nebuchadnezzar picked the strong and the smart to be carried away as captives. Those who avariciously strive to succeed are captives who fail to use their potential to bless others. “Successful” people achieve and exceed their goals but the “Significant” help others to succeed.        

2.     Prodigy: Prodigy and genius can be used to build or break. Hackers and cyber criminals are also very intelligent but misuse their astuteness. Be planted in the right association and put your prodigy to the right use. 

3.     Posterity:  Our children are like arrows – their potential will be decided, nurtured or abused by the hands they are in. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth (Psalm 127:4).  Arrows can be used to hunt or to hurt. Praying for our children and generation to come is like planting an orchid. It will yield fruits for many years after we are gone. Pray to protect your posterity.        

Diabolical abductors are stalking to steal our potential, prodigy and abduct our posterity. Pray and protect your children and future generations.

Luke 23:28 “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children.”

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, help me to be vigilant to watch for the abductors, seducers and stealers who come after my potential, prodigy and posterity and keep a vigil over my family.  Amen.

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