13 Dec 2020 – Covenant Meals – Part 2

Genesis 26:30-31a Isaac then made a feast for them, and they ate and drank. 31 Early the next morning the men swore an oath to each other.

The Lord God blessed Isaac and gave him an increase in finance even during famine but his prosperity stirred enmity and animosity with the Philistines who lived around him. The jealousy of the Philistines was only like manure to the fertility of Isaac; the man continued to increase and prosper. The man became rich, and his wealth continued to grow until he became very wealthy. Envious Philistines made life difficult for Isaac. They stopped the well of Abraham that Isaac reopened, they quarrelled over the fresh water that Isaac’s servants discovered but Isaac refrained to strike back or argue. Then King Abimelek said to Isaac, “Move away from us; you have become too powerful for us” (Vs 16). So Isaac settled in Beersheba which is about a day’s journey by foot, (around  25 miles) away from the Philistines.

However, when Abimelek saw that the favour of God was upon Isaac, he came to sign a peace treaty with Isaac. To corroborate the peace treaty, Isaac made a feast for them. The table of peace would have been lavished with lamb roast, bread, olives, dates and wine. The New Testament peace treaty is the communion table. It is a time to collaborate peace with God and man. 1 Corinthians 11:28 Everyone ought to examine themselves before they eat of the bread and drink from the cup.

Communion, covenant meal sanctifies us from the following:

1.     Hostility: Isaac left the land hurt and insulted as he was bullied by the Philistines but he did not quarrel with Abimelek or his people. Nevertheless, he laid a sumptuous roast meal to break hostility and to sign the peace treaty with the offenders. Communion breaks down astringent bitterness, anger and animosity. When we remember the gruesome death of Jesus on the cross to set us free for our offence, we will be able to forgive those who sinned against us. Communion is a peace treaty of forgiveness.  

2.     Treaty: Isaac did not hoard enmity or hatred against the offenders, rather, he lavished a luxurious hot meal  and signed a peace treaty with them. At the communion table we sign the peace treaty with the Lord not to be judgemental, cynical and critical towards others. Partaking in communion cancels the punishment and judgement that was impending on us and in turn we agree to extend the same grace to our offenders. Communion table is the peace treaty of cancellation of debt.

3.     Rigidity: Isaac had good reasons to turn down Abimelek’s offer to sign a peace treaty down. The Philistines quarrelled with Isaac arbitrarily, they unfairly took the springs and wells that belonged to Isaac and treated him ruthlessly in envy, yet, Isaac was not rigid, resentful or revengeful. Communion table brings reconciliation, reunion and restoration. It is a place where the weakness of man is overpowered by the love of God. Communion table is a peace treaty that mellows, softens and mitigates us with God and man.

Communion is not a rite, ritual or religious activity. It is a covenant meal and a peace treaty of forgiveness, cancellation of debt and reconciliation with God and man. The day Isaac signed the peace treaty and lavished the covenant meal, Isaac’s servants found fresh water. That day Isaac’s servants came and told him about the well they had dug. They said, “We’ve found water!” The underlying secret for the prosperity of Isaac was peace, forgiveness and mercy towards his offenders.

Genesis 28:31b Then Isaac sent them on their way, and they went away peacefully.

Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, as I partake in the communion help me to forgive those who have harmed and hurt me just as you have pardoned and accepted me. Heal me from animosity, hostility and rigidity and tenderise me to taste like you. Amen

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